Friday, January 17, 2025

Book of Mormon Bingo - Chapter Bingo

We needed a Bingo Board for our sweet Activity Day Girls and this is what we came up with:

I printed out each of the following printouts for each person.  Then I had them write the names of the chapters in each of the 16 squares.  You could also have them cut out the words and glue them in the squares.  Make sure you tell them skip around the board as they write them in the squares so that everyone's BINGO board is different.

Print out an extra BoM Chapters list for you to cut up to use for calling out.  Before I start I cut up all the chapter names into separate pieces and turn them upside down so that I can't see them.  I use these to call chapters for them to mark.

Give each person place markers to mark the chapter square when the chapter is called.  You can use pennies, beans, cereal, candy, or whatever to mark the chapter called.

To play start by calling a chapter, then have them mark that space on their board.  Then call out the next chapter and repeat calling the names until someone calls BINGO.  Bingo is when they get four in a row, or diagonally.  Clear the board and start again.  You can have them trade cards, or wait until two or three people win, etc.  

I give out some sort of small treat or toy for the winners.  

Have fun!!!

I have many other BINGO boards to use if you are looking for other ideas.  Just click here.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

FREE Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Masks with Family History Ideas


Since it was late October we decided that it would be fun to learn a little about The Day of the Dead, which is celebrated in Mexico, and in many parts of the US.  Since the holiday is centered around celebrating and honoring our deceased ancestors, we thought that we could tie in into our own belief of family history.

We talked a little about the Day of the Dead holiday and how wonderful it is to honor your ancestors.  Then each shared stories of our family and ancestors.  
We all looked at Family Search and discussed the fun things we have found on it.  
One of the girls shared how she found that she looked like one of her relatives by using the app.
We looked to see if any of us were related, and how we were related.
Then we decorated our masks.

Here are some quotes that you can hand out that go with the lesson:

I was so excited to see the talents of these girls and 
how cute their masks turned out.

Each girl did such an amazing job.

First they colored their mask.

Then they cut out the masks.  

Some of the girls wanted to leave the center of the eyes so we just poked small holes with a pin.

We glued the edges with hot glue.


Then we hot glued flowers at the top.

And lastly we hot glued ribbon to the sides so that they could tie the masks on their heads.

The girls did such and amazing job!!!

We finished with some Mexican treats found at one of the local Mexican Markets.

Printable Masks

Here are some masks for you to print out.  
Save them into your photos, then print them out on your favorite printing program.

We hope that your activity turns out great also.  
Leave a note telling us about what you did.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Lemonade LDS Gift Idea with a quote from Elaine Canon. Great for ministering or gift idea for Relief Society, Primary, Young Women's, Etc.

Elaine Canon quotes on Lemonade from her April 1982 General Conference Talk "Reach for Joy"

Attach the quote to lemons or a glass full of lemonade mix.

It's been so hot here in Vegas so I thought that I would bring something cool to drink to my ministering sisters.  I found this quote from Elaine Cannon and made a printout to go with it.
When I went to save it I found that I had made another version a few years ago.  I couldn't find it in my blog, so I thought that I would post both of the quotes.  One is more focused on Joy, the other is more focused on prayer.

I have also included a Lemonade Recipe included at the bottom

Here's some examples of what I did:

I added a little bit of yellow tissue paper and then added some lemonade packets.

I attached the quote with a yellow piece of string.

Here's another version that I did.

If you would rather make a batch of lemonade I have included my lemonade recipe.

Reach for Joy Quote

Prayer Quote

Lemonade Recipe

 If you are looking for other handouts to use I have many.  Here's a link to one place that I have .

Friday, October 13, 2023

Religious Gift Ideas with Handouts for #Seminary or #Ministering or #YoungWomens or #YoungMens or #ReliefSociety or #ActivityDays or #Primary #LDS

 I have been putting together gift ideas for years.  It's kind of a hobby for me.  Since I was released from seminary I have not been doing as many, and I really miss it.  I thought this page would be fun to post something every month to take to my ministering sisters.  I hope that you can find some things that you can use in your life.  Please leave a comment and follow me.  I would love to hear from you!

Love is Spoke Here (Sweater, cold, warmth):

This gift idea is on warmth.  The quote used comes from the Conference talk  "Love Is Spoken Here" by By Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. 

I bought some "Sweater Weather" hand soap from Bath and Body.  I wanted a nice quote to go with it so I put this handout together.  

There are many other things that could be given as a gift, such as gloves, a scarf, hand warmers, a beanie, etc.

Links to other Holly's Home religious gift ideas: